If you have chosen to take a 7-day free trial and for some reason forgot to manage/cancel your Zen App subscription, and it charged, don't worry!

Even after seven days, if you don't intend to continue with your subscription, you can ask for a refund, follow the procedures below:

It is important to remember that Android and Apple devices have different ways of performing the claim/refund because those are different companies that do this management, in the case Google for Android devices and Apple for iOS devices.

If your subscription made through the Apple Store (iOS):

If you subscribed on an Apple device, you need to report this and ask for the refund directly to apple. Unfortunately, we are not able to manage any apple subscription by ourselves; we apologize for that.

It is necessary to make a report on the website below stating the problem/withdrawal of the purchase that they make the refund directly from there.

The link is this: https://reportaproblem.apple.com/

From our experience with past cases, usually within three days, they have solved this issue.

If your subscription made through the Google Play Store (Android):

You can request a refund from Google within 48 hours of being charged.

The order must be placed on your computer:

1. In the browser, access your Google Play account at https://play.google.com/store/account;

2. Select the option "Order history" and search for the order you want to refund;

3. Click on the three points vertically, in the right corner of the screen, and select "Report a problem";

4. Choose an option and, in the form below "Describe your problem", explain that you want a refund;

5. Your order will be sent to Google, and the reply will go to your email.

For purchases made using a credit card, the refund must be made within 3-5 working days, or within 10 working days, depending on the card operator. If the purchase was made through Google Play balance, the refund should take 1 business day.

For more information, you can contact Google 24 hours a day at: 0800 724 8149.

Any questions do not hesitate to contact our support by clicking here.